Bio Puncture/Acupuncture Injection Therapy
Injection Therapy is a natural therapy consisting of injecting natural biological products such as herbs and homeopathic products into the acupuncture points or specific areas of the body where pain or inflammation may be present. Point Injection or also called Biopuncture means combining both biotherapeutics [bio-] with acupuncture [-puncture].
The injections are administered under the skin (shallow, subcutaneous) or in the muscles (intramuscular) and are designed to treat a wide range of conditions and is especially beneficial in the treatment of both acute and chronic pain. This therapy has been used for several decades. The terms Point Injection & Biopuncture were created in more recent years to give more exposure to the these particular techniques, both for the general public and for the medical profession.
What substances are used?
Homeopathic medications are used such as Traumeel and Zeel are used for pain management as well as other homeopathics.
Injection Therapy is a natural therapy consisting of injecting natural biological products such as herbs and homeopathic products into the acupuncture points or specific areas of the body where pain or inflammation may be present. Point Injection or also called Biopuncture means combining both biotherapeutics [bio-] with acupuncture [-puncture].
The injections are administered under the skin (shallow, subcutaneous) or in the muscles (intramuscular) and are designed to treat a wide range of conditions and is especially beneficial in the treatment of both acute and chronic pain. This therapy has been used for several decades. The terms Point Injection & Biopuncture were created in more recent years to give more exposure to the these particular techniques, both for the general public and for the medical profession.